4 Things You Should Do Before Returning to Work After Thanksgiving

“I need a vacation from my vacation.”

It’s the card we all pull after a vacation wears us out. And the same goes for holidays, especially super busy ones like Thanksgiving. Whether you cooked a meal for 10 or house hopped all day, it can be exhausting. And before you know it, it’s time to return to work and the dreadful day known as Monday is looming over your head. But, it doesn’t have to be dreadful. Here are four things you should do before heading back to work that will help make your first day back not so bad.

  1. Spend time outside

    The few seconds you spend walking from the grocery store to your car doesn’t count. I mean really spend some time outside! Even if it’s just sitting on your back porch, do it. The fresh air is truly a nice change from being inside and just out right good for you. Go to the park, take a walk in your neighborhood, do yoga, or go to an outdoor mall if you have returns to make. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just do your best to make it happen. Spending time outside will make a world of difference in your mood and it’s good for your physical and mental health.

  2. Get back in your routine

    Try to do everything the night before so that the morning of you aren’t scrambling to get your life together. Fill up your gas tank, lay your clothes out, pack your lunch, prep your coffee, pack your gym bag and any other thing you may need to make your first day back that much smoother. Whatever routine you had before Thanksgiving, hop back into it.

  3. R&R

    The last few days you’ve probably been running errands, traveling, cleaning around your house or a mixture of the three and plenty more. So, it’s important to take some time for yourself and just relax. Catch up on your favorite TV show, finish that book you’ve been neglecting, get your favorite food delivered or play your favorite video game. What you decide to do is up to you, just as long as you do something for yourself that makes you relaxed and happy.

  4. Remember what you’re thankful for

    Friends, family, health. Those are three common things that a lot of people say they’re thankful for on Thanksgiving. Whatever you said you were thankful for on Thursday, take that with you to work on your first day back. Use whatever you’re thankful for as fuel to keep going and to have a great first day back. Some people don’t have a job to return to, so be thankful for your job (whether you love it or not) and attack the day with a grateful attitude instead of a dreadful one.

Comment how you feel about going back to work after reading this blog post!

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